sftp the slim package and template file to the /home/ubuntu/Installers/radiantlogic directory on the Raspberry Pi (the use of sftp is beyond the scope of this article)Ī.
zk.connstring= zk.login=admin zk.password=Passw0rd! # Parameters below are only relevant for the first node # zk.client.port=2181 zk.ensemble.port=2888 zk.leader.port=3888 zk.jmx.port=2182 =cn=Directory Manager =Passw0rd! =2389 =1636 # Use TLS? (true/false) =false =9100 =9101 =8089 =8090 scheduler.port=1099 =7070 =7171 appserver.login=admin appserver.password=Passw0rd! =4848 =8686
Radiant one install#
cluster.name=RPI # The FQDN to use to address this node # Leave blank to resolve it automatically = # Is this node a follower only? (true/false) =false # Use this node as a coordination node? (true/false) =true # Whether to install the samples/demo resources (true/false) install.samples=false # OS user/login to use # Leave blank to use current user er= # ZooKeeper connection string (comma separated list of host:port) # zk.connstring=host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181 # - When not using an external ZK ensemble: # For the first node, leave it blank to create a new ZK ensemble # For the following nodes, please specify the connection string of the existing nodes (at least 1) # - When using an external ZK ensemble: # Please enter the connection string of the external ZK ensemble. across data centers), the cluster name for each data center must be unique.
Radiant one update#
Update the install-test.properties template file with the details for your installation (Note: use a more secure password) # Is this the first node of the cluster? (true/false) cluster.firstnode=true # If you plan on deploying multiple clusters (e.g.
Obtain the latest FID slim package and template file from Radiant Logic